Vinod Malhotra
Amongst all the noble professions in the world since the advent of civilisation, teaching occupies a pride
of place. The responsibility of shaping the future of children lies squarely on their shoulders.
Parents are expected to create a strong value-system(sanskara) for their offspring, but the rest of jobs, such as imparting knowledge, building their character, preparing them to stand on their feet, giving them appropriate skills, remain the domains of a teacher.
In the olden days, a teacher, a Guru was a highly revered personage and parents would most willingly place their wards in the custody of the teacher for many years, till they were ready to move into the world as mature, educated and skilled individuals.
Vinod Malhotra
There is an old adage that in very simple terms says that “Necessity is the mother of invention.” It is equally true that in normal times when life is cruising at a normal pace, everybody’s normal desires and expectations are being largely met, there is a general environment of relative peace and tranquillity; nothing of any great consequence happens. Everyone is in their comfort zone and there is a general sense of complacency.While everything that normally happens in a routine manner keeps happening, there is no war, no urgency and people develop a marked propensity to lead their lives in a happy and satisfied fashion. The history of mankind is a witness to the fact that nothing of great consequences has ever been achieved in peacetime, barring a few exceptions. Human beings need a crisis, an inspiration, and a rush of adrenalin to achieve something of substance, of value that provides a sustainable support system to the society at large. If this crisis assumes a universal dimension such as the Pandemic caused by the Coronavirus, it galvanizes the entire humanity into a collective action
Vinod Malhotra
All educational institutions the world over are charged with a responsibility of educating and preparing children to become informed and enlightened citizens of our planet. This journey and the process however, begins only after a child has spent a few initial years under the exclusive care, protection and guardianship of his or her parents. His first connect and awareness of the world really begins with parents. The words spoken, the warmth of mother’s body, suckling, father holding his hand and teaching him how to walk, and many more things are indeed, an integral part of parenting
Every parent has a vision in the context of what his or her progeny should grow up to be, and assiduously works towards achieving that vision. Somewhere down the line, this becomes an overarching ambition because of over possessiveness and concern for the welfare of the child and his or her future.
Vinod Malhotra
One of the foremost occupations of the human race since, the dawn of civilization has been ‘to know’, to discover the truth and unravel the mysteries of the universe that threw up multiple challenges to his survival. He had to acquire knowledge and whatever he learned, however inadequate, had to be passed down ti the next generation.
I was like a baton passed on by relay race runner who had to build it up further for prosperity. But the entire processed had to be structured, given a formal name and institutionalized for mass consumption. In ancient Indian system that gave birth to “Guru Shishya Parampara”, which is now seen in the form of numerous school and institutions.
All these are temples of learning. A widespread phenomenon of this system then gave rise to words like education, learning, academics, pedagogy and so on and so forth. The primary objective was the same – ‘To know’.
Vinod Malhotra
Something that can be measured can also be managed, is axiomatic. But perhaps this largely pertains to the realm of material space. But subtle experiences like happiness, depression, sadness or stress are not measurable on any scale or yardstick and therefore defy management per se.
The causation of these experiences are also multi-dimensional and pose serious challenge for a correct diagnostic analysis which does ordinarily lead to cure and relief.
Phenomena such as happiness or stress are essentially perceptive in nature. These are not visible on their own strength but make their impact visible on the subject who is going through that experience. Some people look happy
Vinod Malhotra
One of the most remarkable features of mankind and civilisations has been to constantly evolve and move forward. This process is relentless and indeed, inexorable. From being a petty hunter and gatherer to agriculture and then to Industry, humanity has come a long way in fully exploiting the inherent desire and potential, to improve and evolve. The underlying process and the phenomenon that has pushed us to a level of unprecedented growth, especially in the last century is nothing but “ENTREPRENEURSHIP”. While 18/19th centuries belonged to an era of inventions, discoveries, germination of new ideas and concepts, the last one saw the growth of applied sciences leading to technological leap. ‘Invent’, ‘innovate’ and ‘create’ became the buzzword and the Industry was quick to respond. The really smart ones saw..
Vinod Malhotra
(Approved by AICTE, Ministry of HRD, New Delhi and Affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow)
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