The JIM Code of Classroom Etiquette has been established to assist students and faculty alike to foster appreciation for a classroom environment that enhances the learning experience for all students. Attention to the code will add value to the course by creating a more meaningful and constructive discussion.
Students, therefore, are expected to demonstrate classroom etiquette based on the following principles:
Students are expected to attend every class throughout the terms. As a courtesy, when students are unable to attend class, due to illness or for other work related reasons, they should notify the Academic Coordinator in advance. Students are expected to adhere to the specific attendance policies established by the Institute.
In essence, the Code emphasizes respectful behavior in the classroom that contributes to the enhancement of the learning experience at JIM.
Note: Disciplinary action will be taken as per gravity of the situation/activity against the student(s) who will involve, indulge themselves in disobeyance of any of the rules, misconduct, misbehavior or any other activity which can affect the discipline, law and order or smooth functioning of the institute/department.
It is the prime & utmost responsibility of every student to cooperate & maintain the embellished culture of the institute.
Note: Those who do not follow the code of behavior mentioned above may face a warning the first time, A penalty of Rs.100/- the IInd time, suspension from college on a repeated noncompliance.
In case of any Grievance, first of all Academic Coordinator will be contacted to address and resolve the same. If the Academic coordinator is unable to solve the grievance, the matter can be transferred to the Dean Academics.
In case of any problem related to class, leave, enquiry, discipline or any other matter, students will
meet their concerned Academic Coordinator.
The purpose of this set of guidelines is to provide a positively oriented set of practical suggestions for maintaining integrity in research. Because, the adherence to ethical research practice leads to more attention to the details of scientific research including qualitative analysis, quantitative & statistical techniques and to more thoughtful collaboration among investigators. Also, the credibility of science with the general public depends on the maintenance of the highest ethical standards in research.
Observance of these guidelines will help an investigator avoid departures from accepted ethical research practice and prevent those most serious deviations that constitute research misconduct. Research misconduct is defined as fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism including misrepresentation of credentials in proposing, performing, or reviewing research or in reporting research results. It does not include honest error or differences of opinion. Misconduct as defined above is viewed as a serious professional deviation that is subject to sanctions imposed both by the Institution by many professional associations and in the case of funded research, the respective funding agency.
These guidelines can be used as a common repository of generally accepted practice for experienced researchers and as an orientation to those beginning research careers. Although some of these principles apply to all fields of research including scientific research, social and behavioral sciences that involve collection and interpretation of data. These materials can be adapted or specified in a more particular form appropriate for each scholarly discipline or academic unit. In fact, many academic units have developed excellent handbooks on research ethics and integrity. When in doubt about the accepted ethical standards in a particular case, a researcher should discuss the matter on a confidential basis with an academic supervisor, another respected colleague, or the Dean of Research of the Institution.
Authors who present the words, data, or ideas of others with the implication that they own the same, without attribution in a form appropriate for the medium of presentation, are committing theft of intellectual property and may be guilty of plagiarism and thus of research misconduct. This statement applies to reviews and to methodological and background/historical sections of research papers as well as to original research results or interpretations. If there is a word-for-word copying beyond a short phrase or six or seven words of someone else’s text, that section should be enclosed in quotation marks or indented and referenced, at the location in the manuscript of the copied material, to the original source. The same rules apply to grant applications and proposals, to clinical research protocols, and to student papers submitted for academic credit. Not only does plagiarism violate the standard code of conduct governing all researchers, but in many cases it could constitute an infraction of the law by infringing on a copyright held by the original author or publisher.
The work of others should be cited or credited, whether published or unpublished and whether it had been written work, an oral presentation, or material on a website. Each journal or publisher may specify the particular form of appropriate citation. One need not provide citations, however, in the case of well-established concepts that may be found in common textbooks or in the case of phrases which describe a commonly-used methodology. Special rules have been developed for citing electronic information.
Research integrity requires not only that reported conclusions are based on accurately recorded data or observations but that all relevant observations are reported. It is considered a breach of research integrity to fail to report data that contradict or merely fail to support the reported conclusions, including the purposeful withholding of information about confounding factors. If some data should be disregarded for a stated reason, confirmed by an approved statistical test for neglecting outliers, the reason should be stated in the published accounts. A large background of negative results must be reported. Any intentional or reckless disregard for the truth in reporting observations may be considered to be an act of research misconduct.
Research data obtained in studies performed at the Institution by employees of the Institution are not the property of the researcher who generated or observed them or even of the principal investigator of the research group. They belong to the Institution, which can be held accountable for the integrity of the data even if the researchers have left the Institution. Another reason for the Institution claim to ownership of research data is that the Institution, not the individual researcher, is the grantee of sponsored research awards. Reasonable access to data, however, should normally not be denied to any member of the research group in which the data were collected. If there is any possibility that a copyright or patent application might emerge from the group project, a written agreement within the group should specify the rights, if any, of each member of the group to the intellectual property. A researcher who has made a finding which may be patentable should file an Invention Disclosure with the Office of Technology Management.
Other virtues of sharing data include the facilitation of independent confirmation or refutation of reported outcomes. It is generally accepted that the data underlying a research publication should be made available to other responsible investigators upon request after the research results have been published or accepted for publication.
Since academic work is informed by a multitude of sources offering concepts and information, it is essential to emphasize rightful acknowledgement in the presentation of ideas and the publication of manuscripts. Authorship should be awarded only to those persons who have made an original and significant contribution to the conceptualization, design, execution and interpretation of the published work.
Individuals who have made smaller contributions by for instance giving advice, performing analyses or providing subject material, or who have supported the research in some other way, should also be acknowledged. The principal author should determine whether or not these individuals should be included as authors. Sometimes written permission has to be obtained for acknowledgement in the published work and even the format thereof is prescribed by the party concerned.
The author submitting the work, or the principal author, is responsible for coordinating the completion and submission of the work and for ensuring that all the contributions and all the collaborators are given proper acknowledgement. All authors should approve the final version of the manuscript and should be prepared to accept responsibility for the work in public.
Each author or co-author is responsible for the compilation, revision and verification of those parts of the manuscript, publication or presentation representing his/her contribution. All co-authors are entitled to making their own copies thereof, including figures and attached documents.
Authors who wish to quote information obtained at a personal level or from unpublished written material should obtain written permission from the source.
It is inappropriate and unacceptable to submit extracts from research, or reports on the same research, to more than one publisher, unless such action has been approved by the editors of each publication or multiple submissions is the acceptable standard practice in the specific discipline or field. In the complete report on the work in question, reference should be made to preliminary extracts from work that has already been published.
In citing one’s own unpublished work, an author must be careful not to imply an unwarranted status of a manuscript. A paper should not be listed as submitted, in anticipation of expected submission. A paper should not be listed as accepted for publication or in press unless the author has received galley proof or page proof or has received a letter from an editor or publisher stating that publication has been approved, subject perhaps only to copy-editing.
Researchers should not publish the same article in two different places without very good reason to do so, unless appropriate citation is made in the later publication to the earlier one, and unless the editor is explicitly informed. The same rule applies to abstracts. If there is unexplained duplication of publication without citation, sometimes referred to as self-plagiarism, a reader may be deceived as to the amount of original research data. It is improper in most fields to allow the same manuscript to be under review by more than one journal at the same time. Very often journals specify that a submitted work should not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere, and some journals require that a submitted manuscript be accompanied by a statement to that effect.
An author should not divide a research paper that is a self-contained integral whole into a number of smaller papers merely for the sake of expanding the number of items in the author’s bibliography.
If a finding of error, either intentional or inadvertent, or of plagiarism should be made subsequent to publication, the investigator has an obligation to submit a correction or retraction in a form specified by the editor or publisher.
An investigator who leads a research group has leadership and supervisory responsibilities with respect to the research performed by members of the group. A principal investigator must not only put together the research group but also arrange for the assembly of an adequate financial and administrative structure to support the research. A supervisor not only provides guidance and advice to individual members of the group in the responsible conduct of the research but also has ultimate responsibility for the scientific integrity of the whole research project. He or she should thus take all reasonable steps to check the details of experimental procedures and the validity of the data or observations reported by members of the group, including periodic reviews of primary data in addition to summary tables, graphs, and oral reports prepared by members of the group.
An investigator serves not only as a research manager with respect to members of the research group but also as a mentor responsible for the intellectual and professional development of graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and junior faculty in the group, including awareness and sensitivity to issues in research ethics.
A researcher should be open to collaborative work with investigators having different but complementary skills at the Institution.
An investigator should be aware that the same standards of accuracy and integrity pertain to grant applications and proposals as to manuscripts submitted for publication. Reporting of results of experiments not yet performed as evidence in support of the proposed research funding, for example, is considered to be fabrication and is subject to a finding of research misconduct, even if the proposal is subsequently rejected for funding or is withdrawn before full consideration for funding is completed. The same definition of plagiarism applies to an application or proposal, including background and methodological sections, as to a publication.
An investigator must submit progress and final research reports to a sponsor at times specified in the award. He or she must authorize expenditures in a manner consistent with the approved budget and should review financial reports carefully.
Investigators, who enter into agreements with commercial sponsors of research, as negotiated by the Office of Research, should familiarize themselves with the special terms of such agreements, such as those, for example, concerning reporting of results, disclosure of inventions, and confidentiality. Failure to comply with the provisions might sometimes constitute a breach of contract or might compromise the Institution’s claims to intellectual property.
(Approved by AICTE, Ministry of HRD, New Delhi and Affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow)
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