Workshop on Life is a Game! Play it

Jaipuria institute of management, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad organized a workshop on “Life is a Game! Play it” in association with Satya Sai Seva Organization on 22nd Feb 2020. The session was on Leadership and how to express yourself. Dr. Bharti from Satya Sai Seva Organization informed students regarding the leadership by: “TO BE, TO DO, TO SEE, TO TELL”. She told the students that Leaders need to understand the spiritual and organizational context. The organizational part is to understand and implement the SSIO guidelines and protocols. The spiritual context is to work on our own spiritual transformation in order to realize and manifest our own divinity. Trust is an essential component in all aspects of leadership. Fostering trust by making collaborative decisions at every level encourages active involvement and a shared sense of responsibility. Since leadership can be described as 90 percent character, leaders are encouraged to focus their energy on self-improvement and leading by example. This module discusses the importance of developing and defining shared goals and plans in a collaborative and harmonious manner. Upon reaching agreement on a plan of action, skills are employed to establish a timeline, monitor progress and assure quality control. While conducting any activity, leaders remember that all work is an opportunity to focus on our own spiritual transformation. All decision-making is to be based on fundamental discrimination and the Universal Human Values. By making decisions based on faith, virtue, and God’s presence and guidance within, we can grow as leaders in character and self-confidence. This workshop showed a path that how can MBA students become a leader.

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