MBA(Banking and Financial Services)


CO1Developing understanding of managerial practices and their perspectives.
CO2Understanding and Applying the concepts of organizational behavior.
CO3Applying the concepts of management and analyze organizational behaviors in real world situations.
CO4Comprehend and practice contemporary issues in management.
CO5Applying managerial and leadership skills among students.


CO1Students will be able to remember the concepts of micro economics and also able to understand the various micro economic
principles to make effective economic decisions under conditions of risk and uncertainty.
CO2The students would be able to understand the law of demand & Supply & their elasticities, evaluate & analyse these concepts and apply them in various changing situations in industry. Students would be able to apply various techniques to forecast demand for better utilization of resources.
CO3The students would be able to understand the production concept and how the production output changes with the change in inputs and able to analyse the effect of cost to business and their relation to analyze the volatility in the business world.
CO4The students would be able to understand & evaluate the different market structure and their different equilibriums for industry as well as for consumers for the survivalinthe industry by the applicationof various pricing strategic.
CO5The students would be able to analyse the macro economic concepts & their relation to micro economic concept & how they affect the business & economy.


CO1Understand and apply accounting concepts, principles and conventions for their routine monetary transaction.
CO2Understand about IFRS, Ind AS and IAS for preparation and reporting of financial statements.
CO3Create and prepare financial statements and Cash flow in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.
CO4Analyse, interpret and communicate the information contained in basic financial statements and explain the limitations of such statements.
CO5Recognising various types of accounting and utilize the technology and social responsibility in facilitating and
enhancing accounting and financial reporting processes.


CO1Gaining Knowledge of basic concept/ fundamentals of business statistics.
CO2To compute various measures of central tendency, Measures of Dispersion, Time Series Analysis, Index Number, Correlation and Regression analysis and their implication on Business performance.
CO3Evaluating basic concepts of probability and perform probability theoretical distributions.
CO4To apply Hypothesis Testing concepts and Able to apply inferential statistics-t,F,Z Test and Chi SquareTest.
CO5To perform practical application bytaking managerial decision and evaluating the Concept of Business Analytics.


CO1Remember and Comprehend basic marketing concepts.
CO2Understand marketing Insights on application of basic marketing concepts.
CO3Able to Apply and develop Marketing Strategies and Plans.
CO4Understand and Analyzing Business/ Consumer Markets and ability Identify & evaluate Market Segments and Targeting.
CO5Develop skills to understand the current global and digital aspect of marketing.


CO1Understanding about the MFIs and their changing role in developing the sector and how Micro Finance is being marketed in the economy.
CO2Knowledge of the microfinance institution models and application in the Indian economy.
CO3Will be able to do ratings and impact Assessment in Microfinance.
CO4Able to understand and develop Skills for Success in MFI Roles.
CO5Applying the data management information systems in banking operations.


CO1Apply business communication strategies and principles to prepare effective communication for domestic and international business situations.
CO2Analyse ethical, legal, cultural, and global issues affecting business Communication.
CO3Develop an understanding of appropriate organizational formats and channels used in business communications.
CO4Gaining an understanding of emerging electronic modes of communication.
CO5Developing effective verbal and non verbal communication skills.
CO1Gain in depth knowledge about the functioning of computers and its uses for managers.
CO2Learn to useInternet and its applications.
CO3Understand and implement Word processing software.
CO4Learn applications on Spread sheet softwares.
CO5Analyse and learn Presentation software.
9. Mini Project on BFSI
CO1Gain in depth knowledge on innovative idea for product or services in form of a project report.
CO2Toapply innovative idea, its feasibilities and detail descriptions.
CO1Knowledge of basics of banking laws and legal aspects of banking operations.
CO2Application of various laws Practice and Policies governing the lending framework.
CO3Understanding of various policies and application of various financial inclusion schemes.
CO4Understanding of the legal issues related to the practice governing different banking operations.
CO5Application of IT Applications in Banking Computer-Based Information Systems for Banking.
CO1Synthesize the role of human resources Management as it supports the success of the organization including the effective development of human capital as an agent for organizational change.
CO2Demonstrate knowledge of laws that Impact behaviour in relationships between employers and employees that ultimately impact the goals and strategies of the organization.
CO3Understand the role of employee benefits and compensation as a critical component of employee performance, productivity and organizational effectiveness.
CO4Show evidence of the ability to analyze, Manage and problem solves to deal with the challenges and complexities of the practice of
CO5Demonstrate knowledge of practical Application of training and employee development as it impacts organizational strategy and competitive advantage.

3. Corporate & Retail Banking Products

CO1Knowledge of corporate banking and branch banking.
CO2Understanding of corporate deposits and application of corporate restructuring.
CO3Analysis of implication of merger acquisition and divestitures.
CO4Understanding of various dimensions of retail banking operations.
CO5Acquainted with better understanding of retail banking products.

4. Financial Management & Corporate Finance

CO1Understand the different basic concept / Models of Corporate Finance and Governance.
CO2Understand the practical application of time value of money and evaluating long term investment decisions.
CO3Develop analytical skills to select the best source of capital, structure and leverage.
CO4Understand the use and application of different models for firm’s optimum dividend pay-out.
CO5Understand the recent trends of mergers and acquisition and its valuation.

5. Bank Credit Management

CO1Understand the nature of bank lending activities and credit risk.
CO2apply the principles of good lending in assessing credit propositions from bank customers.
CO3conduct credit analysis for the purpose of bank lending; perform quantitative and qualitative analysis for assessment of creditworthiness of borrowers.
CO4structure, price and market loan products in a competitive way; identify and work-out problem loans Comprehending.
CO5apply various techniques to mitigate credit risk; and demonstrate knowledge and skills required for credit risk management in a bank.

6. Quantitative Techniques for Managers

CO1Be able to understand the characteristics of different types of decisionmaking environments and the appropriate decision making approaches and tools to be used in each type.
CO2To formulate linear programming problem and to find optimal solution by graphical simplex method.
CO3Be able to build and solve Transportation Models and Assignment Models also to solve game theory problems by understanding pure and mix strategies.
CO4To assign optimal sequence of difference jobs on different machines and develop understanding of queuing theory concepts.
CO5To implement replacement of equipments at right time and able to implement project management concepts like CPM, PERT to reduce cost and time.

7. Digital Marketing & E-Commerce

CO1Be able to understand the concept of Digital Marketing & Ecommerce in today’s scenario.
CO2To able to create and maintain a good website and blog posts.
CO3Be able to understand and apply SEO and Email Marketing in today’s modern world.
CO4To apply the Social Media Marketing techniques via various platforms.
CO5To implement various Analytics tools of online marketing.
8. Mutual Fund Operations
CO1Understand about basics of mutual funds and its types.
CO2Understand the calculation of NAV.
CO3Understand various distributors processes and payouts.
CO4Handling Non-monetary transactions.
CO5Understand the Indian mutual fund industry and role of agents.
CO1To gain knowledge of pivot table and understand the validating & auditing techniques.
CO2Learn to use different charting techniques in MS Excel.
CO3Learn to use different formatting techniques in MS Excel.


CO1Formulate organizational vision, mission, goals, and values.
CO2Develop strategies and action plans to achieve an organization’s vision, mission, and goals.
CO3Develop powers of managerial judgment, how to assess business risk, and improve ability to make sound decisions and
achieve effective outcomes.
CO4Evaluate and revise programs and procedures in order to achieve organizational goals.
CO5Consider the ethical dimensions of the strategic management process.


CO1Understand about various types of financial credit.
CO2Understand the credit risk and its rating.
CO3Understanding of credit Commitments and its application.
CO4Understanding of risk management and corporate governance.
CO5Measure riskiness of a stock or a portfolio position.


CO1Understand the fundamental principles and concepts of direct and indirect taxes.
CO2Analyze the tax implications for businesses and individuals and develop strategies to minimize tax liabilities.
CO3Apply practical techniques and tools for effective tax planning within the legal.
CO4Evaluate the impact of tax planning decisions on business operations and financial performance.
CO5changes in direct and indirect taxes to adapt tax planning strategies.


CO1Understand about various investment avenues.
CO2Understand the value of assets and manage investment portfolio.
CO3Understand various Models of Investment and its application.
CO4Understand and create various investment strategies on the basis of various market conditions.
CO5Measure risk in assess of a stock or a portfolio position.


CO1Understand the role and functions of depositories in financial markets.
CO2Examine the legal and regulatory framework governing depository operations.
CO3Learn about various depository services such as dematerialization and securities settlement.
CO4Explore the clearing and settlement processes involved in depository operations.
CO5Understand the mechanisms in place to protect investor interests and ensure corporate governance in depository operations.


CO1Remember and comprehend basic concepts of entrepreneurship.
CO2Develop knowledge on Entrepreneurial Finance, Assistance and role of Entrepreneurial Development Agencies.
CO3Develop understanding of converting an Idea to an opportunity and develop understanding of various funding sources.
CO4Gaining depth knowledge of innovation and its various sources.
CO5Develop understanding of various dimensions of innovation along with current trends and general awareness of innovation and startup .


CO1Understand the BOP and evaluation various exchange rate system.
CO2Understand the theories of exchange rate determination.
CO3Understand the foreign exchange transactions mechanism.
CO4Understand the exchange dealings.
CO5Understanding the various foreign exchange risk and its management.

8. Customer Relationship Management in BFSI

CO1Recall and explain the fundamental concepts and principles of customer relationship management in the BFSI industry.
CO2Apply CRM techniques to analyse customer data and segment customers based on their needs and preferences.
CO3Evaluate the effectiveness of CRM programs and initiatives implemented by BFSI organizations.
CO4Critically assess customer feedback and performance metrics to measure the success of CRM strategies.
CO5Design comprehensive CRM strategies tailored to the specific needs and goals of BFSI organizations.


CO1: Remember and comprehend basic concepts of entrepreneurship.
CO2: Develop knowledge on Entrepreneurial Finance, Assistance and role of Entrepreneurial Development Agencies.
CO3: Develop understanding of converting an Ideatoan opportunity and develop understanding of various funding sources.
CO4: Gainin depth knowledge of innovation and its various sources.
CO5: Develop understanding of various dimensions of innovation along with current trends and general awareness of innovation and startup.


CO1: Understand the role of the financial system in economic development, financial market operations, and the regulatory framework, including SEBI’s role.
CO2: Comprehend financial services, merchant banking, and their regulatory framework in India.
CO3: Analyze venture capital, leasing, and their legal aspects, and evaluate their suitability as financing options.
CO4: Examine credit rating, factoring, and bill discounting, along with their relevance in the Indian financial landscape.
CO5: Gain insight into mutual funds, their organization, and guidelines, and explore debt securitization and de-mat services, supported by case studies.


Analyze and manage various types of risks, including insurable risks, while considering their economic implications.
Evaluate the role of risk management in promoting economic growth and understand the managerial aspects of identifying, evaluating, and responding to risks in a global economy.
Assess the significance of insurance in economic development, social security, and market structure, along with the importance and forms of reinsurance.
Understand the key aspects of insurance contracts, including their features, premiums, and the concept of e-insurance policies.
Examine the regulatory framework, corporate governance, emerging trends, and ethical considerations in insurance risk management.


CO1: Understand the BOP and evaluation various exchange rate system.
CO2: Understand the theories of exchange rate determination.
CO3: Understand the foreign exchange transactions mechanism.
CO4: Understand the exchange dealings.
CO5: Understanding the various foreign exchange risk and its management.


CO1: Recall and explain the fundamental concepts and principles of customer relationship management in the BFSI industry.
CO2: Apply CRM techniques to analyse customer data and segment customers based on their needs and preferences.
CO3: Evaluate the effectiveness of CRM programs and initiatives implemented by BFSI organizations.
CO4: Critically assess customer feedback and performance metrics to measure the success of CRM strategies.
CO5: Design comprehensive CRM strategies tailored to the specific needs and goals of BFSI organizations.


CO1: Explain the significance of monetary and fiscal policy for emerging economies.
CO2: Understand the role of central banking in implementation of Monetary policy.
CO3: Critically evaluate the fiscal challenges and assessing debt sustainability.
CO4: Understanding of the impact of monetary and fiscal policy on the economy and related tools of analysis.
CO5: Application of the tools and techniques to assess the fiscal stance, fiscal multipliers and debt sustainability.


CO1: Define the fundamental concepts and principles of treasury management in the banking sector.
CO2: Analyze the different money market instruments and fixed income securities used in treasury operations.
CO3: Evaluate foreign exchange management techniques and currency risk hedging strategies.
CO4: Examine liquidity management and cash management techniques in banking.
CO5: Assess risk management practices and regulatory compliance requirements in treasury operations.
CO1 Developing understanding of managerial practices and their perspectives.
CO2 Understanding and Applying the concepts of organizational behavior.
CO3 Applying the concepts of management and analyze organizational behaviors in real world situations.
CO4 Comprehend and practice contemporary issues in management.
CO5 Applying managerial and leadership skills among students.
CO1 Students will be able to remember the concepts of micro economics
CO2 The students would be able to understand the law of demand & supply & their elasticities , evaluate & analyse these concepts and apply them in various changing situations in industry . Students would be able to apply various techniques to forecast demand for better utilization of resources.
CO3 The students would be able to understand the production concept and how the production output changes with the change in inputs and able to analyse the effect of cost to business and their relation to analyze the volatility in the business world
CO4 The students would be able to understand & evaluate the different market structure and their different equilibriums for industry as well as for consumers for the survival in the industry by the application of various pricing strategic
CO5 The students would be able to analyse the macroeconomic concepts & their relation to micro economic concept & how they affect the business & economy.
CO1 Understand and apply accounting concepts, principles and conventions for their routine monetary transaction.
CO2 Understand about IFRS, Ind AS and IAS for preparation and reporting of financial statements.
CO3 Create and prepare financial statements and Cash flow in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
CO4 Analyse, interpret and communicate the information contained in basic financial statements and explain the limitations of such statements.
CO5 Recognising various types of accounting and utilize the technologyand social responsibility in facilitating and enhancing accounting and financial reporting processes
CO1 Knowledge of basics of banking laws and legal aspects of banking operations
CO2 Application of various laws Practice and Policies governing the lending framework
CO3 Understanding of various policies and application of various financial inclusion schemes
CO4 Understanding of the legal issues related to the practice governing different banking operations.
CO5 Application of IT Applications in Banking- Computer-Based Information Systems for Banking
CO1 Understanding about the MFIs and their changing role in developing the sector and how Micro Finance is being marketed in the economy.
CO2 Knowledge of the microfinance institution models and application in the Indian economy
CO3 Will be able to do ratings and impact Assessment in Microfinance
CO4 Able to understand and develop Skills for Success in MFI Roles
CO5 Applying the data management information systems in banking operations.
CO1 Remember and Comprehend basic marketing concepts.
CO2 Understand marketing Insights on application of basic marketing concepts.
CO3 Able to Apply and develop Marketing Strategies and Plans
CO4 Understand and Analyzing Business/ Consumer Markets and ability Identify & evaluate Market Segments and Targeting
CO5 Develop skills to understand the current global and digital aspect of marketing.
CO1 Apply business communication strategies and principles to prepare effective communication for domestic and international business situations.
CO2 Analyse ethical, legal, cultural, and global issues affecting business Communication.
CO3 Develop an understanding of appropriate organizational formats and channels used in business communications
CO4 Gaining an understanding of emerging electronic modes of communication.
CO5 Developing effective verbal and non verbal communication skills.
CO1 Gain in depth knowledge about the functioning of computers and its uses for managers
CO2 Learn to use Internet and its applications
CO3 Understand and implement Word processing software
CO4 Learn applications on Spread sheet softwares
CO5 Analyse and learn Presentation software
11. Mini Project on BFSI
CO1 Gain in depth knowledge on innovative idea for product or services in form of a project report.
CO2 To apply innovative idea, its feasibilities and detail descriptions
CO1 Understand about basics of mutual funds and its types
CO2 Understand the calculation of NAV.
CO3 Understand various distributors processes and payouts
CO4 Handling Non-monetary transactions.
CO5 Understand the Indian mutual fund industry and role of agents.
2. Insurance and Risk Management
CO1 Understanding of the various insurance products and policies
CO2 Knowledge of insurance products, types and provisions
CO3 Analysis of the financial aspects of insurance management products.
CO4 knowledge of risk management techniques , policies and procedures
CO5 Application and implication of claim settlement provisions
3. Corporate & Retail Banking Products
CO1 Knowledge of corporate banking and branch banking
CO2 Understanding of corporate deposits and application of corporate restructuring
CO3 Analysis of implication of merger acquisition and divestitures
CO4 Understanding of various dimensions of retail banking operations
CO5 Acquainted with better understanding of retail banking products
4. Financial Management & Corporate Finance
CO1 Understand the different basic concept/ Models of Corporate Finance and Governance
CO2 Understand the practical application of time value of money and evaluating long term investment decisions
CO3 Develop analytical skills to select the best source of capital, structure and leverage
CO4 Understand the use and application of different models for firm’s optimum dividend pay-out
CO5 Understand the recent trends of mergers and acquisition and its valuation
5. FINTECH for Business
CO1 o understand the evolution of fintech in BFSI, new fintech trends such as BankTech, InsureTech
CO2 Understanding and application of analytics and machine learning skills required by new data driven models of financial services provision.
CO3 Analyze traditional and evolving business models in investment and financial service industry
CO4 Apprehend the current FinTech startups and FinTech hubs landscape
CO5 Application of AI/ML in Banking technology
6. Quantitative Techniques for Managers
CO1 Be able to understand the characteristics of different types of decision-making environments and the appropriate decision making approaches and tools to be used in each type
CO2 To formulate linear programming problem and to find optimal solution by graphical simplex method
CO3 Be able to build and solve Transportation Models and Assignment Models also to solve game theory problems by understanding pure and mix strategies.
CO4 To assign optimal sequence of difference jobs on different machines and develop understanding of queuing theory concepts
CO5 To implement replacement of equipments at right time and able to implement project management concepts like CPM, PERT to reduce cost and time
7. Bank Credit Management
CO1 Understand the nature of bank lending activities and credit risk
CO2 apply the principles of good lending in assessing credit propositions from bank customers
CO3 conduct credit analysis for the purpose of bank lending; perform quantitative and qualitative analysis for assessment of creditworthiness of borrowers
CO4 structure, price and market loan products in a competitive way; identify and work-out problem loans
CO5 apply various techniques to mitigate credit risk; and demonstrate knowledge and skills required for credit risk management in a bank.
8. Digital Marketing &E-Commerce
CO1 Be able to understand the concept of Digital Marketing & E-commerce in today’s scenario
CO2 To able to create and maintain a good website and blog posts.
CO3 Be able to understand and apply SEO and Email Marketing in today’s modern world
CO4 To apply the Social Media Marketing techniques via various platforms
CO5 To implement various Analytics tools of online marketing
CO1 To gain knowledge of pivot table and understand the validating & auditing techniques
CO2 Learn to use different charting techniques in MS Excel
CO3 Learn to use different formatting techniques in MS Excel
1. Strategic Management
CO1 Formulateorganizational vision, mission, goals, and values
CO2 Develop strategies and action plans to achieve an organization’s vision, mission, and goals.
CO3 Develop powers of managerial judgment, how to assess business risk, and improve ability to make sound decisions and achieve effective outcomes.
CO4 Evaluate and revise programs and procedures in order to achieve organizational goals
CO5 Consider the ethical dimensions of the strategicmanagement process
CO1 Understand about various types of financial credit
CO2 Understand the credit risk and its rating
CO3 Understanding of credit commitments and its application
CO4 Understanding of risk management and corporate governance
CO5 Measure riskiness of a stock or a portfolio position
3. Tax Management
CO1 Understand the fundamental principles and concepts of direct and indirect taxes.
CO2 Analyze the tax implications for businesses and individuals and develop strategies to minimize tax liabilities
CO3 Apply practical techniques and tools for effective tax planning within the legal
CO4 Evaluate the impact of tax planning decisions on business operations and financial performance
CO5 changes in direct and indirect taxes to adapt tax planning strategies
CO1 Understand about various investment avenues.
CO2 Understand the value of assets and manage investment portfolio
CO3 Understand various Models of Investment and its application
CO4 Understand andcreate various investment strategies on the basis of various market conditions.
CO5 Measure riskiness of a stock or a portfolioposition
5. Depositary Operations
CO1 Understand the role and functions of depositories in financial markets
CO2 Examine the legal and regulatory framework governing depository operations.
CO3 Learn about various depository services such as dematerialization and securities settlement.
CO4 Explore the clearing and settlement processes involved in depository operations.
CO5 Understand the mechanisms in place to protect investor interests and ensure corporate governance in depository operations.
6. Emerging Technologies in Banking and FINTECH
CO1 Explain the significance of emerging technologies in the banking and financial industry
CO2 Assess the potential benefits and challenges of adopting emerging technologies in banking operations
CO3 Critically evaluate the use cases and constraints of blockchain, AI, digital payments, and neuro banking in finance
CO4 Develop strategies to address regulatory and compliance requirements in the adoption of emerging technologies
CO5 Assess the vulnerabilities and risks associated with cybersecurity in banking and formulate mitigation strategies
7. Human Value and Professional Ethics
CO1 Understand the significance of value inputs in a classroom, distinguish between values and skills, understand the need, basic guidelines, content and process of value education, explore the meaning of happiness and prosperity and do a correct appraisal of the current scenario in the society
CO2 Distinguish between the Self and the Body, understand the meaning of Harmony in the Self the Co-existence of Self and Body.
CO3 Understand the value of harmonious relationship based on trust, respect and other naturally acceptable feelings in human-human relationships and explore their role in ensuring a harmonious society
CO4 Understand the harmony in nature and existence, and work out their mutually fulfilling participation in the nature
CO5 Distinguish between ethical and unethical practices, and start working out the strategy to actualize a harmonious environment wherever they work.
CO1 Remember and comprehend basic concepts of entrepreneurship
CO2 Develop knowledge on Entrepreneurial Finance, Assistance and role of Entrepreneurial Development Agencies
CO3 Develop understanding of converting an Ideatoan opportunity and develop understanding of various funding sources
CO4 Gainin depth knowledge of innovation and its various sources
CO5 Develop understanding of various dimensions of innovation along with current trends and general awareness of innovation and startup
CO1 Understand the role of the financial system in economic development, financial market operations, and the regulatory framework, including SEBI’s role
CO2 Comprehend financial services, merchant banking, and their regulatory framework in India
CO3 Analyze venture capital, leasing, and their legal aspects, and evaluate their suitability as financing options
CO4 Examine credit rating, factoring, and bill discounting, along with their relevance in the Indian financial landscape
CO5 Gain insight into mutual funds, their organization, and guidelines, and explore debt securitization and de-mat services, supported by case studies.
3. Insurance and Risk Management
CO1 Analyze and manage various types of risks, including insurable risks, while considering their economic implications
CO2 Evaluate the role of risk management in promoting economic growth and understand the managerial aspects of identifying, evaluating, and responding to risks in a global economy.
CO3 Assess the significance of insurance in economic development, social security, and market structure, along with the importance and forms of reinsurance.
CO4 Understand the key aspects of insurance contracts, including their features, premiums, and the concept of e-insurance policies.
CO5 Examine the regulatory framework, corporate governance, emerging trends, and ethical considerations in insurance risk management.
4. Foreign Exchange and Risk Management
CO1 Understand the BOP and evaluation various exchange rate system
CO2 Understand the theories of exchange rate determination
CO3 Understand the foreign exchange transactions mechanism
CO4 Understand the exchange dealings
CO5 Understanding the various foreign exchange risk and its management
5. Customer Relationship Management in BFSI
CO1 Recall and explain the fundamental concepts and principles of customer relationship management in the BFSI industry.
CO2 Apply CRM techniques to analyse customer data and segment customers based on their needs and preferences.
CO3 Evaluate the effectiveness of CRM programs and initiatives implemented by BFSI organizations.
CO4 Critically assess customer feedback and performance metrics to measure the success of CRM strategies.
CO5 Design comprehensive CRM strategies tailored to the specific needs and goals of BFSI organizations.
6. Monetary and Fiscal Policy
CO1 Explain the significance of monetary and fiscal policy for emerging economies
CO2 Understand the role of central banking in implementation of Monetary policy
CO3 Critically evaluate the fiscal challenges and assessing debt sustainability.
CO4 Understanding of the impact of monetary and fiscal policy on the economy and related tools of analysis.
CO5 Application of the tools and techniques to assess the fiscal stance, fiscal multipliers and debt sustainability
7. Treasury Management in Banking
CO1 Define the fundamental concepts and principles of treasury management in the banking sector.
CO2 Analyze the different money market instruments and fixed income securities used in treasury operations.
CO3 Evaluate foreign exchange management techniques and currency risk hedging strategies.
CO4 Examine liquidity management and cash management techniques in banking.
CO5 Assess risk management practices and regulatory compliance requirements in treasury operations.
CO1 Developing understanding of managerial practices and their perspectives.
CO2 Understanding and Applying the concepts of organizational behaviour.
CO3 Applying the concepts of management and analyze organizational behaviors in real world situations.
CO4 Comprehend and practice contemporary issues in management.
CO5 Applying managerial and leadership skills among students
CO1 Students will be able to remember the concepts of micro economics and also able to understand the various micro economic principles to make effective economic decisions under conditions of risk and uncertainty.
CO2 The students would be able to understand the law of demand & supply & their elasticities , evaluate &analyse these concepts and apply them in various changing situations in industry . Students would be able to apply various techniques to forecast demand for better utilization of resources.
CO3 The students would be able to understand the production concept and how the production output changes with the change in inputs and able to analyse the effect of cost to business and their relation to analyze the volatility in the business world.
CO4 The students would be able to understand & evaluate the different market structure and their different equilibriums for industry as well as for consumers for the survival in the industry by the application of various pricing strategic.
CO5 The students would be able to analyse the macroeconomic concepts & their relation to micro economic concept & how they affect the business & economy.
CO1 Understand and apply accounting concepts, principles and conventions for their routine monetary transaction.
CO2 Understand about IFRS, Ind AS and IAS for preparation and reporting of financial statements.
CO3 Create and prepare financial statements and Cash flow in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.
CO4 Analyse, interpret and communicate the information contained in basic financial statements and explain the limitations of such statements.
CO5 Recognising various types of accounting and utilize the technology and social responsibility in facilitating and enhancing accounting and financial reporting processes.
CO1 Gaining Knowledge of basic concept / fundamentals of business statistics.
CO2 To compute various measures of central tendency, Measures of Dispersion, Time Series Analysis, Index Number, Correlation and Regression analysis and their implication on Business performance.
CO3 Evaluating basic concepts of probability and perform probability theoretical distributions
CO4 To apply Hypothesis Testing concepts and able to apply inferential statistics- t, F, Z Test and Chi Square Test
CO5 To perform practical application by taking managerial decision and evaluating the Concept of Business Analytics.
CO1 Remember and Comprehend basic marketing concepts
CO2 Understand marketing Insights on application of basic marketing concepts.
CO3 Able to Apply and develop Marketing Strategies and Plans
CO4 Understand and Analyzing Business/ Consumer Markets and ability Identify & evaluate Market Segments and Targeting
CO5 Develop skills to understand the current global and digital aspect of marketing.
CO1 Gain in depth knowledge about creative thinking and design thinking in every stage of problem
CO2 Applying design thinking to your real life problems / situations in order to evolve an innovative and workable solutions
CO3 Understand and implement design thinking to your real life problems / situations in order to evolve an innovative and workable solutions
CO1 Understand the basics of business analysis and Data.
CO2 Understand data management and handling and Data Science Project Life Cycle
CO3 Understand the data mining concept and its techniques
CO4 Understand and Analyzing machine learning concept
CO5 Understand the application of business analysis in different domain
CO1 Gain in depth knowledge about the functioning of computers and its uses for managers
CO2 Learn to use Internet and its applications
CO3 Understand and implement Word processing software
CO4 Learn applications on Spread sheet softwares
CO5 Analyse and learn Presentation software
CO1 To gain knowledge of knowledge of R Syntax
CO2 To gain practical experience of Data analysis using R
CO1 Develop understanding and fundamental knowledge about business environment
CO2 Develop understanding on the concepts of Business Environment and international business environment.
CO3 Develop basic understanding of law of contract
CO4 Understanding of provisions of Companies Act concerning incorporation and regulation of business organizations
CO5 Able to analyze case laws in arriving at conclusions facilitating business decisions
CO1 Understanding of data mining and its functions
CO2 Understanding of classification, clustering algorithms
CO3 To apply classification and clustering methods applicable to predictive analytics using R
CO4 Understanding of how to formulate predictive analytics using R
CO5 Understand pattern discovery using R
CO1 Knowledge of concept / fundamentals for different types of research.
CO2 Applying relevant research techniques.
CO3 Understanding relevant scaling & measurement techniques and should use appropriate sampling techniques
CO4 Synthesizing different techniques of coding, editing, tabulation and analysis in doing research.
CO5 Evaluating statistical analysis which includes ANOVA technique and prepare research report.
CO1 Understand the different basic concept / Models of Corporate Finance and Governance
CO2 Understand the practical application of time value of money and evaluating long term investment decisions
CO3 Develop analytical skills to select the best source of capital, structure and leverage.
CO4 Understand the use and application of different models for firm’s optimum dividend pay-out.
CO5 Understand the recent trends of mergers and acquisition and its valuation
CO1 Understand the role of Operations in overall Business Strategy of the firm – the application of OM policies and techniques to the service sector as well as manufacturing firms.
CO2 Understand and apply the concepts of Material Management, Supply Chain Management and TQM perspectives.
CO3 Identify and evaluate the key factors and their interdependence of these factors in the design of effective operating systems.
CO4 Analyze / understand the trends and challenges of Operations Management in the current business environment.
CO5 Apply techniques for effective utilization of operational resources and managing the processes to produce good quality products and services at competitive prices.
CO1 Be able to understand the characteristics of different types of decision-making environments and the appropriate decision making approaches and tools to be used in each type.
CO2 To formulate linear programming problem and to find optimal solution by graphical simplex method.
CO3 Be able to build and solve Transportation Models and Assignment Models also to solve game theory problems by understanding pure and mix strategies.
CO4 To assign optimal sequence of difference jobs on different machines and develop understanding of queuing theory concepts.
CO5 To implement replacement of equipments at right time and able to implement project management concepts like CPM, PERT to reduce cost and time.
CO1 Students will be able to understand fundamentals of Python and Juypter Notebook.
CO2 Students would be able to understand the data structure, data frames and Pandas Idioms
CO3 Understand date time functions in python
CO4 The students would be able to understand and apply Natural Language Processing and learning algorithm for machine learning techniques.
CO5 Understand Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
CO1 To understand the implementation of descriptive statistics in R.
CO2 To understand the basic concept of data visualization with R.
CO3 To apply R functions to visualize categorical data in the form of Bars and Charts.
CO4 To understand the representation of Histogram, Pyramids, and Box plot in R.
CO5 To understand the visualization of time series and scatter plot.
CO1 To gain knowledge of pivot table and understand the validating & auditing techniques
CO2 Learn to use different charting techniques in MS Excel
CO3 Learn to use different formatting techniques in MS Excel
CO1 To gain knowledge of issues challenge of the industry
CO2 Learn to prepare report on the application of emerging technologies in the selected industry
CO1 Formulate organizational vision, mission, goals, and values.
CO2 Develop strategies and action plans to achieve an organization’s vision, mission, and goals.
CO3 Develop powers of managerial judgment, how to assess business risk, and improve ability to make sound decisions and achieve effective outcomes.
CO4 Evaluate and revise programs and procedures in order to achieve organizational goals;
CO5 Consider the ethical dimensions of the strategic management process;
CO1 To understand the need of Machine Learning & Statistics for solving various problems
CO2 To understand the basic concepts of Supervised and Unsupervised learning.
CO3 To apply regression analysis on the data available.
CO4 To design appropriate machine learning and apply on real world problems
CO5 To optimize different Machine Learning & Deep Learning Techniques
CO1 Understand the significance of value inputs in a classroom, distinguish between values and skills, understand the need, basic guidelines, content andprocess of value education, explore the meaning of happiness and prosperity and do a correct appraisal of the current scenario in the society
CO2 Distinguish between the Self and the Body, understand the meaning of Harmony in the Self the Co-existence of Self and Body
CO3 Understand the value of harmonious relationship based on trust, respect and other naturally acceptable feelings in human-human relationships and explore their role in ensuring a harmonious society
CO4 Understand the harmony in nature and existence, and work out their mutually fulfilling participation in the nature
CO5 Distinguish between ethical and unethical practices, and start working out the strategy to actualize a harmonious environment wherever they work.
CO1 Understanding of global supply chain design and bullwhip effect
CO2 Supply chain profitability and risk pooling
CO3 Forecasting and effect of forecasting errors
CO4 Supply chain coordination and supply contracts
CO5 Supply chain relationship management
CO1 Students will develop the skill in marketing analytics
CO2 Students will be acquainted with better understanding of real life marketing data and its analysis
CO3 Students will develop analytical skill for effective market decision making in real life environment
CO1 Ability to work on MS Excel and VBA
CO2 Able to apply Excel Modeling Tools in business scenario.
CO3 Ability to understand and apply Solver, travelling salesman problem and optimization techniques in business problem.
CO4 Develop and understand estimating a Demand Curve
CO5 Apply and understand the inventory models.
CO1 Ability to use data sets in implementing the machine learning algorithms
CO2 Ability to build an Artificial Neural Network
CO3 Understand and ability to implement k-Nearest Neighbor algorithm
CO4 Ability to implement the Regression algorithms
CO5 Ability to use Scikit-learn for machine learning
CO1 To get an overview of the changing context of International Business in the wake of Industry 4.0
CO2 Conceptual understanding of the new technologies that are driving change in business operations and strategy
CO3 Understand shifts in economic thought and its impact on business decisions
CO4 Understand changing geo politics and analyses its impact on international Business
CO5 Critically think about issues and challenges in the Global World and find sustainable solutions
CO1 To Understand the theory, concepts, and business application of HR analytics, and the ability to track, store, retrieve, analyze and interpret HR data to support decision making
CO2 The student will use applicable benchmarks/metrics to conduct research and statistical analyses related to Human Resource Planning and Recruitment and Selection
CO3 Employ appropriate software to record, maintain, retrieve and analyze Performance and training effectiveness
CO4 Apply quantitative and qualitative analysis to understand and design compensation system.
CO5 Demonstrate how to connect HR results to business results
CO1 Students will develop knowledge, understanding and skills in analysis of Social Media
CO2 Acquainted with better understanding of implementation Web Analytics tool
CO3 Develop analytical skills for effective decision alternatives in social media problems
CO4 Develop the knowledge, understanding and skills in Facebook and google analytics.
CO5 Acquainted with better understanding of implementation of web analytics strategies and develop analytical skills for effective decision alternatives in social media operations
CO1 Identify sources of data, suggest methods for collecting, sharing and analyzing data
CO2 Understanding the issues involved in data quality and their management
CO3 Discuss the difference between descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics
CO4 Able to use basic data presentation and visualization tools and manipulate simple datasets
CO5 Able to identify decision problems willing for analytics-based solutions. Understand how data analytics can provide potential solutions to improve quality and lower cost
CO1 Understanding Blockchain and its significance
CO2 Understanding Cryptography and Blockchain networks
CO3 Business Challenges in Blockchain
CO4 Understanding domain specific Blockchain business cases
CO5 Understanding Crypto Economy and Decentralized Internet
CO1 Knowledge about the DBMS Technology
CO2 Understanding the business application of DBMS
CO3 Application of DBMS for business process
CO4 Knowledge and uses of Data mining techniques
CO5 Working knowledge of DBMS Software ORACLE
CO1 Understand about various types of financial credit
CO2 Understand the credit risk and its rating.
CO3 Understanding of credit commitments and its application
CO4 Understanding of risk management and corporate governance.
CO5 Measure riskiness of a stock or a portfolio position
MBA (BFSI) is a two year post graduate programme comprehensively developed for creating professionals who can cater the rapidly growing demand of the sector. The BFSI sector has witnessed a tremendous growth &transformation with the digital interventions in the sector resulting in a huge demand for qualified professionals. The objective of the programme is to equip the students with the in depth knowledge of the banking to ensure their employability in the sector. The focus of the programme will be on grounding in technology and the emergence of the new business models.



There is a huge demand of professional in the BFSI sector especially in the field of Fintech and other emerging technologies in finance. Any professional who is qualifies will be the first choice of the employer

Technical updation         

The students are equipped with latest technologies, block chain technology and also hand on practice with data analysis software and languages. The students not only perform well in the job but they are also exposed to latest technological adoption in the industry.

Job opportunities

The BFSI sector growth has opened new avenues for young professional; there are a variety of jobs in the BFSI sector and is expected to uptrend in the coming times. There is always leverage for the professionals who possess requisite skills for BFSI.

Entrepreneurship Opportunity

Technology with finance has also created more business opportunities for startups in Wealth management and Investment planning. 


Creativity and Innovation

 An innovative and entrepreneurial mindset is a prerequisite to take managerial decisions and finding solutions to complex business problems. Creative thinking can lead to setting of an entrepreneurial venture.

Analytical Skills

Analysis in finance is inevitable especially for B-school graduates. It not only makes them employable but also paves path for growth and success.

Communication skills

Communication skill is a key to work in a multi-cultural environment, effective oral and written communication especially in business applications, with the use of appropriate technology help professionals to work as a team.

Decision making skills

Wrong decisions in finance may bring big consequences. A good decision maker has the ability to see, understand, and articulate the outcomes of actions, helping him/ her to become a good leader.

Job opportunity

Investment Banker

The key role is to conduct research and valuations to execute finance deals, to assess and suggest investment opportunities.You will be working with other professionals for Implementation of long and short-term financial plans and recognizing new business opportunities.

Credit and risk Analyst

 Assessing creditworthiness of existing or prospective clients for the company is the key responsibility which requires specialize domain knowledge. You will be examining financial transactions and credit history of the prospective clients to evaluate the level of risk.

Business Development Manager

A Business Development Manager coordinate with company executives and sales & marketing professionals to review current market trends in order to propose new business ideas that can improve revenue margins. You will be responsible for helping organizations obtain better brand recognition and financial growth. 

Financial Analyst

As a financial analyst you will be forecasting future revenues and expenditures, as well as modelling capital structure and budgeting and responsible for keeping track of a company’s financial plan. You will be able to apply your analytical skills to generate the best for the organization.

Wealth Manager

Wealth managers hold in-depth consultations with clients to learn about their financial goals, risk tolerance, and current asset allocation. Your role will be to conduct financial planning, investment management, and assist in preserving and generating wealth