IIC and IQAC of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Ghaziabad had conducted first the online impact lecture session on 21st September 2021: 11 AM to 2 PM. There were two expert lectures that were taken by two experts: Govind Kedia and Mamta Negi. Mr. Govind Kedia is the Managing Director of Arctic Innovation Consulting Solutions Pvt. Ltd and he spoke on the theme “how to build an Innovative Organisation and use IPRs for its growth?”. In this session, Mr. Kedia focussed on the features of innovative organizations, why IPRs are important for businesses. After that he explained the process of trademarks and patent filing processes. Moreover, the discussion was stretched towards applications and trends in different industries i.e. revenue generation from licenses, royalty range and competitive strategy support. Patent search process is an important aspect that was shown practically by Mr. Kedia to the students. The session ended up with the various questions of the students and various facilitations offered by the speaker to the students.
Second expert lecture was taken by Ms. Mamta Negi, Entrepreneur and CEO, NutriMunchy on September 21, 2021 at 12:30 PM to 2PM and theme was “Analysis and seeding of Entrepreneurial perspective”. NutriMunchy is a brand that serves healthy snacks comprising the goodness of assorted vegetables such as carrot, beetroot, spinach, and quinoa without any chemicals & preservatives and are gluten-free. The speaker briefed the concept of entrepreneurship theories and explained what capabilities make a successful entrepreneur? Besides that, Ms Negi also differentiated much discussed terms entrepreneurship and start-ups. The session progressed with the discussion on how to identify the problem and develop the business ideas taking the problem as a base. The speaker also briefed about the self-up-gradation by focussing upon the charms and traits of being an entrepreneur.
Government plays the role of facilitator for start-ups and an overview of the available schemes was an eye-opener experience for the students. Many state and national level platforms are providing financial and incubation support to the start-ups and boosting the ecosystem of the country. The session became more insightful and interactive when the speaker, taking her own business as a reference, explained the challenges in the entrepreneurial journey and start-up development phases. This impact lecture sessions will encourage and inspire MBA to innovate and create business ideas. Moreover, this session was an attempt towards developing an understanding that entrepreneurship can be taken as a career option. A total of 134 students attended the session. Dr. Sheetal, President of Institution Innovation Council coordinated the event and five faculty members: Prof. Sadananda Prusty, Dr. Nidhi Mathur, Prof. Ajay Tripathi and Dr. Rashmi Maini remained present in the sessions.