Jaipuria Institute of Management Indirapuram, Ghaziabad has conducted a Psychometric Assessment for the new batch of MBA on Oct 4, 2021. The instructors for the session were Dr. Rashmi Maini and Ms. Sanandi Sachdeva. Students have been introduced to two psychometric tests namely MBTI (Myres Brigg Types Indicator) and FIRO B (Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation Behaviour) to help them understand the importance of self- exploration process and it’s relevance to their career and future endeavours. Students first filled up the inventory of FIRO B and assessed their performance on the basis of their scores for the three needs namely, need for affection, need for control and need for inclusion for two dimensions, ‘Expressed’ and ‘Wanted’. They analyzed their role as a leader, a follower, a care giver, a team player and as a matcher etc. post that assessment, they completed the MBTI inventory and got to know their Personality Types and received the personalized feedback.
For most of the students, it was an eye opener exercise as they got lots of insights about their own strengths and weaknesses.
It was a self-discovery for them and they enjoyed the overall activity and assessed where they are right now and where they want to move?