
Faculty Development Programme


JIM in its constant endeavor to improve management skills has initiated this movement to improve the quality of research. The five days (10-14th July, 2013) faculty development programme on “Advance Research Methodology and Data Analytical Tools” has been scheduled keeping in view the need among academicians, researchers and consultants to strengthen their research skills. The present programme is designed in such a way so as to give exposure to the participants about research problems formulation, application of appropriate research design and skills of data generation, data processing and statistical analysis at both basic and advanced level.


Why to attend

  • To have Conceptual clarity of the research process and methodology.
  • To get Insights into different research design.
  • To get familiarity with tools and techniques of management decision making approach.
  • Opportunity to be taught by Experts and share experience with co-participants across India.
  • The programme focus on maximizing hands on development of practical skill.


A mix of pedagogical tools will be used- cases, lectures, discussions, presentations and experiential exercises. Hands on experience will be given on SPSS, SEM and MS-Excel. Participants will be provided with the relevant industry example data sets for the purpose of analysis in order to facilitate the experiential learning.

Programme Content

The course content has been designed to provide a thorough understanding of various aspect of Advance Research Methodology and Data Analytical Tools that ensures a common thread linking all the research methods on the anvil in the programme. The following main issues will be covered in the programme
Day 1-3 (Conceptual sessions based on Case Study) Day 4 (MS-Excel) Day 5 (SPSS)
  • Research formulation and research Design
  • Hypotheses development/ coding and tabulating data/data entry
  • Hypothesis testing: Parametric: t-test, ANOVA, etc and Non-parametric
  • Hypothesis testing: Correlation, Regression including dummy regression and Co-linearity diagnosis
  • Hypothesis testing: Multivariate techniques: Factor
  • Analysis, Principal component analysis including item analysis and scale construction.
  • Hypothesis testing: Multivariate techniques: Cluster analysis: metric and non-metric data and profiling the clusters + factor to cluster solution.
  • Hypothesis testing: Discriminant analysis, Confirmatory factor analysis, Path analysis and assessing the moderator and mediator effect.
Hands on experience on MS-Excel:

  • Mathematical Functions
  • Statistical Functions
  • Look Up and Reference functions
  • Logical Functions
  • Working with Charts
  • Working with Excel Application
  • Summarizing Data
  • Sensitivity Analysis
  • Data Analysis Tools
  • Data Analysis Tool Pack
Exclusive sessions on SPSS
based on case study


Resource Person

Our resource persons are well known renowned academicians from highly reputed management institutions i.e. IIT, IIM. They have more than two decades of experience in research, training, consultancy and industry.

JIM Certificate :

Cerificates will be issued to the participants after successful completion of the programme.

Venue and Accommodation

The programme will be held at the Jaipuria Institute of Management, Sec-14C, Vasundhara, Ghaziabad, UP.

The accommodation will be provided at the expenses of the participants.


Faculty Academicians/ Research Scholars: Rs. 3000/- GBTU/MTU Registered Research Scholar: Rs 2500/-

The fee should be submitted latest by 30 June, 2013.

  • Fee for the programme can be paid by Demand
  • Draft payable in favor of “Jaipuria Institute of Management” payable at Ghaziabad.
  • Any organization sponsoring 3 or more participants to the programme will be entitled to a discount of 10%.


MBA Admission Enquiry