I have published two books. The details are given below:
Research analytics, Dreamtech Wiley Publication, ISBN no: 978-93-86052-27-8
Financial Risk Analytics, Star education publication, ISBN no: 9789386765581
Garg, P., Gupta, B., Chauhan, A. K., Sivarajah, U., Gupta, S., & Modgil, S. (2020). Measuring the perceived benefits of implementing blockchain technology in the banking sector. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 120407, [ABDC A Category paper).
Chauhan, A. K., & Chaklader, B. (2020). Do Local Investors Exhibit Smart Value Investment? Empirical Evidence from India. Global Business Review, 0972150920915330.
Malhotra, A. K., & Chauhan, A. K. (2017), “Market response of mergers and acquisitions’ announcement and its predictive ability in forecasting post-merger long term performance of the acquiring company” Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal Volume 22, Number 2, 2018, (Print ISSN: 1096-3685; Online ISSN: 1528-2635), ABDC listed C Category Journal, Scopus indexed.
Malhotra, A. K., & Chauhan, A. K. (2017). Does time-varying residual conditional heteroscedasticity in index returns affect trading behavior of institutional investors in Indian Stock Market? International Journal of Accounting and Finance, 7(2), 127-140, Inderscience publication, ABDC listed C Category Journal, ISSN online: 1755-3849
ISSN print: 1755-3830
Mehrotra, V., Malhotra, A. K., & Chauhan, A. K. (2017). Determinants of intellectual capital disclosure-Indian companies. International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, 14(4), 366-387, ABDC listed C Category Journal, ISSN online: 1479-4861
ISSN print: 1479-4853
Rekha, Mishra, A., & Chauhan, A. K. (2017). Impact of Value Proposition of Digital Marketing Communication on Car Buyers’ Attitude: An Application of Neil Rackham’s Model. Paradigm, 0971890717736215, Sage publication, eISSN: 23946083 | ISSN: 09718907
Prakash S, Malhotra A and Chauhan A (2016), “Return on Assets as a Measure of Financial sustainability of microfinance institutions in India” Asian-African Journal of Economics and Econometrics, Vol 16, No 1, 119-128, ABDC listed C Category Journal, ISSN : 0972-3986
Mehrotra V., Malhotra A.K. and Chauhan A., (2016) ‘Trends of intellectual capital in annual reports in India’, Asian African Journal of Economics and Econometrics, Vol. 16, No.1, pp.139-148, ABDC listed C Category Journal
Poonam Garg, Ajay Chauhan (2015), Factors affecting the ERP implementation in Indian Retail sector: A Structural Equation Modeling approach, Benchmarking- An International Journal, Emerald Publication, vol 23, No 5. (B Category as per ABDC journal list of ranking), ISSN: 1463-5771
Mishra A, Chauhan A, (2014), “The significance of rating in primary stock market (The IPO Grading System): The Indian experience” International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Issue 122. (C Category as per ABDC journal list of ranking), ISSN: 1450-2887
Chauhan, A. K., Singh, S. Arora, A. (2013), “Market Efficiency and volatility spillover in future and spot commodity market: The agriculture sector perspective” Samvad, Vol VI, No 2, pp 61-84,ISSN 2249-1880, [Publisher: Symbiosis Institute of Business management, Pune, India.]
Singh, S., Chauhan, A. K., & Pandey, N. (2012). Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in BRIC Countries: A Panel Data Analysis of the Trends and Determinants of FDI., Issue 53, 48-58. European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences[ISSN: 1450-2275] (C Category as per ABDC journal list of ranking)
Chauhan, A. K. and Malhotra, A (2012). Impact of Foreign Institutional Investment on Exchange Rate Movement in India. IMS Manthan, pages, 18-24, Vol VII, Issue 2, Dec 2012 [ISSN: 0974-7141]
Singh, Shikha; Chauhan K Ajay; Sharma Dipti (2012) “ Determinants Of Job Satisfaction And Migration Behavior Of Contract Labors In Delhi And NCR, Asian Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities, Vol 2 , Issue 12, pages 47-58, ISSN 2250 – 1665
Rajput N, Gupta M and Chauhan A (2012), “Profitability and credit culture of NPAs: An empirical analysis of PSBs” International Journal of Marketing, Financial Services and Management Research” Vol 1, Issue 9, Sep 12 [ISSN 2277 – 3622]
Garg, A., & Chauhan, A. (2012). The Impact of the Developed World on the Indian Industrial Portfolios’ Return: Empirical Evidence. The IUP Journal of Applied Finance, 18(1), 35-59. [ISSN: 0972-5105] [Publisher: ICFAI University Press]
Chauhan, Ajay and Garg, Ashish, “An Analysis of the Feedback Trading Behavior of Foreign Institutional Investors and Mutual Funds in Indian Stock Market: An Empirical Study” Journal of Applied Research in Finance, Volume II, Issue 2(4), pp.110-120, ISSN: 2066-5482, Winter Issues 2010, [Publisher: European Centre of Managerial and Business Studies, Romania.]
“Significance of IPO Grading in Indian Stock Market: Empirical Evidence” “LBS Journal of Management and Research” Volume VIII, July Dec, 2010 No 2, pages 30-41, ISSN: 0972-1852
“Market Responses of the IPOs in the bearish market” Synergy, Vol 11, no. 1 Jan-June 2009.
“The growing Indian economy and the IPO returns” Bizcraft Vol.3 No.1 Sep 08 – Feb 09.
“Impact of celebrity endorsement on customer perception and Intention to purchase” Indian Media Studies Journal Vol 3 no 1-2, Jan-Dec 2008, pp143-154
Performance of Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) in Indian Stock Market” 2011, Emerging Issues in Finance and Accounting” ISBN: 978-93-5051-346-0, [Publisher: Himalaya Publishing House]
“Information Signals from IPO Grading in Indian Stock Market: The Empirical Evidence” “Financial Innovations and Change for Survival and Growth” 2011, ISBN 978-881903536-4-9, [Publisher: Global Alliance Publisher]
“The issues at the back of the change in market timings in Indian stock market and its post impact on volatility, volume, dependence on SGX Nifty futures” “Financial Innovations and Change for Survival and Growth” 2011, ISBN 978-881903536-4-9, [Publisher: Global Alliance Publisher]
Research paper Presented /Published in conference
Paper Presentations in National and International Seminars and Conference
Delivered a Key Note lecture on “Market Efficiency and Volatility Spillover in Indain Commodity Markets” in the UGC Sponsored National seminar held at Doaba College, Jalandhar on 13th Sep 2012.
Delivered a Key Note lecture on “Significance of IPO Grading In Indian Stock Market” in the National seminar at Global Institute of Management, Amritsar 11th March 2012.
Presented a research paper at MDI, Gurgaon on 6th Jan 2011 on the topic “Relevance of IPO grading in India”
Delivered a Key Note lecture on “Quantitative Measurement of the Factors Influencing Indian Customers for Selecting the Organized Retail Store” in the UGC Sponsored national seminar at Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab on 12th Nov 2010.
Presented a research paper at Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur on 23rd Sep 2008 on the topic “Integration of Indian stock market with the global equity markets: empirical evidence”.
Presented a research paper at Faculty of management studies, Gurukul Kangri University, Haridwar on 16th Sep 2008 on the topic “Inefficiency in the Indian equity market as a result of feedback trading behavior”
Presented a research paper at IIM, Indore on 12th August 2008 on the topic “The trend chasing behavior in the current scenario: empirical evidence from Indian stock market” and the full paper is published in the conference proceedings published by IIM – Indore.
Presented a research paper at IME, Gaziabad on 19th April 2008 on the topic “The listing and post listing returns of Indian IPOs in 21st century” and the full paper is published in the conference proceedings published by McMillan publication.
Presented a research paper at SRMS, Bareilly on 16th Feb 2008 on the topic “The growing Indian economy and IPO returns”
Presented a research paper at IGIDR, Mumbai on 19th Jan 2008 on the topic “Derivative trading and structural changes in volatility”
Presented a research paper at SMS, Varansi ( UP), on Oct 6-7, 2007 on the topic “IPO-Culture- a route to maximize wealth in Indian economy”
Presented a paper on the topic “Managing the dynamics of change” in the National Seminar on March 11-12, 2005 held in Faculty of Management Studies, Gurukul Kangri University, Haridwar.
Present a paper on the topic “BPO in Finance and Accounting: A SWOT Analysis” in the National Seminar on 5th Dec 2004 held in IIMS, Bareilly.
Attended conference on the topic “Commerce Education in the new millennium” Jointly organized by “ ICAI, New Delhi and the OIMT, Rishikesh on December 1-2, 2001
Invited by DD-Vyas TV Channel on 11th April 2012 for discussion and to deliver a lecture on Corporate Finance live between 2 pm and 3 pm.
Appointed as a Special Examination Observer by GNDU in Dec-2008, April-2009, Dec 2009 and April 2010 for University exams.
Qualified NCFM – Securities Market Module in Feb 2007 ( Score 76%), Derivative Core Module in Nov 2005 ( Score 74 % ), Financial Market beginners module in May 2006 ( Score 95% )
Qualified UGC – NET June 2005 in Management.
Qualified UP State Level Eligibility Test (UP – SLET) – 2002 in Management.
Secured good 1st division in MBA ( 69 %).
Secured good 1st division in M.Sc (with specialization in statistics). ( 69 %).
Attended four days FDP at IMT Ghaziabad from 8th May 2014 to 12th May 2014 on the topic “ research Issues in Finance”
Attended four days FDP at IIT- Kanpur from 22th-Dec-2012 to 26th-Dect-2012, on the topic “Quantitative Finance”
Attended one week FDP at IIM-Kozhikode from 18th-Oct-2008 to 25th-Oct-2008, on the topic “Econometrics for Management research”
Attended 15 days FDP at IPS Academy, Indore from 18-06-2007 to 30-06-2007, on the topic “ Emerging Trends in Finance”
Attended 21 days FDP at II.M Kozhikode from 12-03-2007 to 31-03-2007, under the title “ Induction training programme for young management teachers”
Attended a 3 days FDP on “Comprehensive Methodology of teaching in Management Institutes” from 8th-1-2007 to 10th-1-2008 held in GNIM, New Delhi.
Attended a 2 days FDP on “Quantitative for Finance” on 26th and 27–05-2006 held in Apeejay school of Management, Dwarka, New Delhi.
Attended AICTE sponsored 15 days “Staff Development Programme” on “Financial Engineering – a guide for financial Innovation” organised by IBCS, Bhubneshwar from 21-06-2004 to 04-07-2004.