The highlight of this session was data collection methods in qualitative research. The three data collection methods discussed were Focus Group, Interview, Observations, Surveys. Prof. Ramesh focused on the role of purposive sampling and applying deductive and inductive elements, in addition to this, focus was on discussion of methods, tools and approaches for research design. Positive interpretation approaches were discussed, and the dignitary highlighted how to develop a conceptual framework and participatory research from which we can generate textual data in the form of written transcripts.
The session was concluded on Practical application of the content mentioned during the other sessions. The strategies of coding and decoding data were analyzed, where the speaker shared an excel file and taught the run time commands, which executed the software to analyse the text of sentiment analysis. The concluding session provided an insight on how the future research can be carried with the help of qualitative research; it was an enriching experience for all the FDP participants.