Celebrating World Creativity and Innovation Day: Patent Presentation Event at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Ghaziabad

From April 22 to May 15, 2024, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Ghaziabad, celebrated World Creativity and Innovation Day by hosting a series of patent presentations. This offline event provided our MBA students with a unique opportunity to present their innovative projects and apply for patents under the YUKTI scheme of the government. The initiative aimed to encourage creativity, foster innovation, and showcase the students’ contributions to various fields.

Panel Composition

The evaluation of the students’ projects was conducted by three esteemed faculty panels, each comprising experts from diverse domains. These panels assessed the projects based on their novelty, feasibility, and potential impact, ensuring a comprehensive review of each innovation presented.

Presentation Process

Throughout the event, MBA students showcased their innovative ideas, detailing the conceptual framework, implementation strategies, and expected outcomes. Each presentation was followed by a Q&A session, allowing the faculty panels to delve deeper into the students’ understanding and the practicality of their proposed solutions.

Key Highlights

Diverse Range of Innovations: Students presented a wide array of ideas across multiple domains, including technology, healthcare, finance, sustainable development, and social impact. This diversity highlighted the interdisciplinary approach encouraged within the MBA program at Jaipuria Institute of Management. Rigorous Evaluation: The faculty panels rigorously evaluated each project based on criteria such as originality, technical soundness, market potential, and alignment with the objectives of the YUKTI scheme. The potential societal benefits and scalability of the projects were also considered during the evaluation process. Selection of Patents: After thorough deliberation, the panels selected 28 projects for patent applications. These projects demonstrated exceptional innovation, practical applicability, and the potential to make significant contributions to their respective fields.


Encouragement of Innovation: The event successfully fostered a culture of innovation among MBA students, motivating them to think creatively and develop solutions to real-world problems. Skill Development: Students enhanced their presentation skills, critical thinking abilities, and their capacity to articulate complex ideas clearly and persuasively. Support for Patent Applications: The selected projects will receive support for patent applications under the YUKTI scheme, providing students with valuable experience in intellectual property management and protection. The patent presentation event for MBA students at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Ghaziabad, was a resounding success. It highlighted the innovative capabilities of our students and their potential to contribute to technological and societal advancements. The selection of 28 patents under the YUKTI scheme marks a significant milestone in promoting innovation and supporting the intellectual property rights of our students. We extend our gratitude to the faculty panels for their diligent evaluations and to the students for their exceptional presentations.

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